Being one of the main NeaVizion solutions, converting websites which use old web technologies (like Flash) to the newer mobile-friendly technologies is our everyday business. It is also our daily job to explain to our customers why they should not think twice about converting to HTML5, WordPress or other modern web platforms which are now required by the modern devices like smart phones, tablets, smart TVs…
We think it will be useful to make a small list and outline the main reasons why converting an old, Flash-based website to the new technologies is a must. The article is mainly intended for the visitors which are actually owners of flash websites, however this should also be informative content for any audience.
Here are the 5 main reasons for converting Flash websites to mobile-friendly technologies (the list may be updated as new reasons surface every day now):
1. Flash is not supported on smart phones and tablets!
Your website uses Flash technology which is now not supported on smart phones like iPhone, iPads, Android phones, Android tablets, Android TVs etc… This means that your website is not visible at all on these devices making your business presentation not possible on them and thus making you lose huge percent of the market to your competitors which have already updated their technologies.
2. Flash websites are not responsive!
What is responsive website? Responsive websites use new technologies to make sure that the content you present on your website is always shown in a big format even on small devices so the visitor will never have to zoom in and out or scroll left or right to find your content and read it.
The responsive design actually means mobile-friendly website. This is highly recommended by search engines like Google and when browsing from mobile phones if your website is mobile-friendly it will be marked as mobile-friendly by Google which is almost like recommendation by Google for your website. See screenshot how our website is marked by Google:

3. Flash technology is slow. Slow websites are bad for rankings.
By using Flash animations and effects your website is actually using one of the slowest technologies. Flash was perfect tool for creating fantastic animated websites back in the days when mobile phones were not used at all for browsing the internet, but today when majority of the young people and middle aged population is preferring mobile to desktop browsing speed is critical. Also this is a parameter which Google uses when it is ranking websites on their search result pages. So the fastest websites are usually shown on first page as they present the best experience for the visitors. So, by using slow technology your website is pushed down by the competitors which have faster websites.
4. No abilities for interconnecting with social platforms?
Lacking on many modern features like connecting with social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc…). Old technologies like Flash lack many new features like sharing content on social networks. If you try to share a page from a Flash website to let’s say Facebook, the page URL address will not be shown when shared and the FB visitor will not arrive on the page you wanted shared but rather on the homepage which is very bad user experience.
Also usually when sharing a page on social networks a “featured” photo is shown from the shared page making the shared card look compelling, but in case of the Flash websites there is no photo pulled even if the page has many photos embedded on it. Apart from sharing pages, liking pages is also not supported. Many Flash based websites do not have an URL structure and liking an individual page is actually not possible.
5. No Security?
Security must be a top priority for every website owner. Being hacked is not only a concern for the owner of the website which may lose all its files and data and may be forced to pay for a new website design if there are no backup copies of the website, but also the hosting servers may be compromised and your hosting account may be suspended because of that.
Having Flash website is a high security risk as reports on new vulnerabilities and faults found in the Flash technology are being released daily. That is the reason all major browsers have stopped supporting Flash lately.
Is it really necessary to list more reasons? There are numerous other reasons. Nevertheless, we will close the list of issues and present you with a solution. Here at NeaVizion we can eliminate all problems stated above and we can bring your internet presentation to the latest standard which will make you a proud owner of a beautiful, modern, mobile-friendly, responsive website and create a good presentation of your business in the online world. This will help your rankings on search engines and will make your business more competitive. This can also raise you above your competitors in the online world.
Feel free to use our Contact form and start your conversion today!